Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sometimes, I don't type or even speak correctly

If I make a grammar mistake, there's no need to email me about it. I'm probably not going to fix it. Just sayin'.  :)

Law school friends

So, I have a friend through my ex who is attending a law school in Chicago. He started at the same time I did, and is going to a great school out there. Unfortunately, he's a newly wed, and his wife didn't move with him (that's a whole other story for a whole other day, though). However, I heard that he's lonely out there. And that makes me bummed for him. I've met some pretty awesome people in law school so far, and I'm sort of bummed that not everyone is having that same experience. It's pretty awesome to get put in a group for a semester with people that are awesome and that you get along and connect with. I'm not sure how I'd fair if I was stuck with other people (as it is, only 3/4 of us really get along). But, alas its nice to have people that I can talk to and be friends with that I go to school with and get what it's like. Plus there's no way I would have met them otherwise, and they're pretty cool.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to getting midterms over with and going on fall break for a week. An old family friend is coming into town, and told me to, "put my drinkin' shoes on," so that should be interesting at the very least. I'm going out of town this weekend, which I'm really looking forward to. It'll be relaxing and fun and I'll still have to get some school stuff done, but that's okay.

Anyway, apparently now that I'm an SBA rep (or at least I think I am- this school is confusing), I have to go to a 'Boot Camp' meeting today after lunch w/ K. Fun stuff. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


One of the more challenging aspects of being a part time evening law school student is food. Weird, right? Well, yes and no. See the thing is, I get off work in the afternoon. And since I'm getting out early, I don't take a lunch. Of course, I have a bunch of cases to read and brief, so I scoot over to the school and do my work quickly. Right at about 5PM when I start going over the nights stuff with my group, I start getting hungry. Class starts at 6, and my study time before class is precious, so I end up grabbing a granola bar or something. By the time I'm done at 910, I'm famished.

Today, I have some leftovers that I'm stoked about. It's not much, but leftover lunch is yummy. I had the intent to cook all day Sunday, but ended up spending 10 hours with my study group.

So yes, briefing, reading, socratic method, scheduling, etc is hard, but sometimes its the little afterthoughts, like food, that really bring you down. That's the weird thing about law school.

Thank goodness I have food today! :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Group study is a drag

Sometimes it's really good, but sometimes it deteriorates and turns into a cluster. Here's to hoping that our next few don't turn into clusters!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Holy mother of busy

Being a full time employee and a part time student is nothing short of chaotic. And I feel like this week is the perfect example. I spent Sunday working on a paper with my classmates, Monday I was reading and had class, today I am trying to do reading for Contracts, a study session, class, a town hall meeting, and Cohort. Tomorrow I will go to school early in an attempt to get started on my closed Memo, and also do the outlining for Crim Law. This weekend? More study groups. Plus coupled with work stress (we're moving offices), and person life stress, I just feel like I can't get it all done. Such is law school, I guess.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Papers, Papers, and more Papers

Why is it that before law school, when they're scaring you, they focus on case briefing? I mean, out of everything I'm doing, I find case briefing probably the easiest. Now, this is probably because I also have a study group where we go over the cases before class to make sure we have the right concepts, but I really find this the least cumbersome out of everything. It takes less time then the piles of reading, and everything else...especially the papers. Oh god, why do I have so many papers assigned? I knew I'd have them in the legal writing class, but in criminal law I have 2, and in contracts I have 1. Why did no one tell me about the papers before starting law school?? Ugh!

Sorry for the complain-y content. I'm avoiding IRAC-ing a case for one of the said papers, and thought I'd vent a little steam. BTW, does anyone else have IRAC as IREAC? My law school seems to favor this, but I'm not quite sure why.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm done with this week

I haven't seen the inside of my house before 10:30PM once this week, and I'm quasi fighting with the boyfriend. Add going to a funeral tomorrow on top of that, and week 3 doesn't top my list of best weeks ever. BUT I got a question right in crim law and huge praise from my very hard to impress teacher last night, so perhaps there is some light at the end of this very long tunnel.