Saturday, November 27, 2010


Disclaimer, I stole this picture from My Life In Words, but it's incredibly appropriate for my life right now.

I'm at an interesting crossroads in my personal life right now, and I have no idea what to do. Coupled with the fact that I have finals for the next two weeks, I don't know what I was thinking getting myself into this mess. But, when you think one thing could be really amazing, but its just the wrong time, sometimes you make the wrong choice. Or the right one. Or you just keep slogging through, and hope that everything works out in the end. I guess we'll see. Here's to hoping at the very least.

Other than that, it's study study study study study at law school right now. The great thing is that it'll be over in just a few short weeks, for another 6 weeks. Thank goodness.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a great holiday, and no one studies or works on their memos today like I am. :)

Have a great holiday with you and yours.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finals and Papers

Classes are officially over for the semester! And my paper is about 85% done, thank god. It's due Monday, and Tuesday is my Contracts final. Crim Law isn't until the following Monday, so right now I'm just trying to finish my paper and work contracts. Since my whole outline is pretty much memorized, I'm not feeling too far behind the gun, thank god. Work is also super slow this week, which has helped to give me some extra time in the library slaving away.

Other than that, on the personal side, I'm really looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with my family, and having a day off (even though I'm sure I'll have my macbook and my paper out). I've figured out that it's possible to just sort of go go go go go in law school, but if I don't take the necessary time to screw around, then I end up paying for that in the end. Breaks, screwing around, and stepping away from law school are as necessary as doing the assigned reading. For example, I've been editing my paper for an hour, but am now screwing around. And tomorrow, when I'm off work at noon? I will come here and finish the paper. Since I know that I have that built in time, it makes it much easier for me to be able to breath, and take some time to just tak ea load off today.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Checkin' In

Monday is the last day of classes of the semester. In honor of that, I went back through and read my first blog post, and thought about how nervous I was. I had read through so many blogs about what to expect and what law school would be like it was crazy. And what I've found? Law school is what you make it.

Everyone's going to have to read, and to study, and get called on in class, and get the answer wrong. Sometimes you'll read, and one or two times, you won't. And you'll sweat it out in class. Those experiences are not unique. But when it comes to bonding and meeting people and forging friendships, law school really is what you make of it.

I work full time, and go to law school at night, and still have fun. I'm tired a lot, and it's a balancing act, but I do it. Law school has pretty much destroyed my relationship, but it's brought me a lot of others. It's a give and take, a balancing act. Half of it is attitude, and the other half is effort. Overall, I wouldn't trade the experience of my first semester in for anything. Truly, it's been an amazing experience, and I'm thankful for it.

And you know, maybe you should ask me how I really feel after finals. :p

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I have gastroenteritis or something or other. All I know is that it hurts, and I'm nauseous a lot. Boo.

Thank God for modern medicine. Last Contracts class tonight...can't WAIT!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

In the trenches...

As I'm sitting in my living room arguing about whether or not Mrs. Pahe had prior notice that Lalo would bite another child when provoked, surrounded by what feels like thousands of print outs of cases, asking each other "which one is the bicycle case?" and then arguing about whether its Applehans or Basler, I'm kind of struck by the fact that open memos really do suck. And holy shit, this is law school. Where law students spend their weekends together arguing about fictitious situations so that someday, when they get the real deal, they can handle it.

Sorta awesome if you ask me.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wall? Meet me.

I slammed into the wall tonight. I've had just about enough of law school.

What does everyone else do when this happens?

Ethically bitchy

Sometimes things aren't always what they seem. What to do when someone you really care about is doing the wrong thing ethically? And I know that I'm being sort of bitchy, but I really can't stand huge breaches of ethics like this. And usually I could just move past it and drop that person, but in this situation, its not that easy. But it seems to be even harder to hang around lately.

There' much going on. And none of it that I'm really wanting to make public.

In other news: group projects in law school are no fun. Mostly because everyone in my section works (that's why were part time evening students), so we can't meet up during the day, and after class we're too tired. But on the weekends it usually works. Until someone's sick, or their brother is in town, or whatever. I'm really hating group work more and more everyday, but that's what I'm stuck with for now.

Thank god there's only a paper and a presentation, and then I can just study with my friends, and not be responsible for turning work in with people. :)

Next week is the last week of classes this semester. How the hell did an entire semester already go by?!?!?!

Monday, November 8, 2010


What's with 1L's trying to 1up each other? (see what I did there? see? see?) <---lame

But seriously, what is what that? It's like every time I ask a classmate if they're doing x, they tell me that they only did x after they did a, b, c, and d, and it only took them 2/5 of a second to do that, of course. I hate hate that about law school. Especially when it comes to people that are supposed to be your friends. I don't need to hear how awesome you are, mmmkay? Just answer my question and let's try and get through this together. I don't know, I guess it seems like the competition is coming out with the open memo. It for sure makes me regret sharing the cases that I did share with some of my colleagues, who now act like they have the golden scroll, and they would never ever ever share anything back. Dislike, immensely.

Also, group work. That should go bye bye immediately. It seems like the propensity for people to screw each other over in law school is exponentially higher than it ever was in undergrad, which once again, makes 0 sense to me. We're all going to be colleagues for the rest of our careers, so acting like you're better than me, or our classmates, or our college does not endear you to having successful relationships with your peers.

We're all stressed, we're all under the gun. Can't we help each other instead of stabbing each other in the back?

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Things are outta control right now. Law school is about the only thing that I can control, and even then all I can really control is the amount of work that I'm putting into it.

Crazy, insane.

OH, and elbowing me in the face at a rock concert? Cool by no one's standards.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I over commit myself

I really do have an issue with over committing myself. I have a packed weekend of studying at the library, and a concert tomorrow night. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I can find time to pick up my car, go home, do laundry, clean up a bit, shower, and squeeze a nap in there all before dinner. And on top of that? My co-worker's son is in Afghanistan and I guess in some pretty bad conditions, so we're sending care packages. And my part of the care package? Making a billion cookies and vacuum sealing them, and praying to god that they get there and are edible when they do. Oh, and buying baby wipes. Cause they don't get to shower. So, sometime in the next few weeks I'm gonna be baking like crazy.

I just want a night off to curl up on the couch and watch TV. Or even to curl up on my bed and just...sleep.

Oh, there's a summer abroad study in Austria. AUSTRIA.

Look at that place, who wouldn't want to go? So now when I'm not studying for finals like a crazy person, I'm looking up Austria. And euro train lines to the rest of Europe. And festivals in Europe. And what friends are stationed in Europe. And plane flights to Europe.

And you know, just day dreaming in general about Austria. :)

I guess we're also petitioning the SBA to start our own evening students group this semester. It's gonna be interesting, but I think really, really good. And not to be stuck on resumes, but all of this is going to look amazing on my resume.

Yes, big law, you know you want me. Too bad I want nothing to do with you. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Everybody knows...

about this blog. And now who knows what the heck I should write in here.

And by everybody, I mean my law school bff and my law school boyfriend. They're my most favorites. :)

But, nonetheless, I'm awesomely proud of my friends for starting this new school club. It's gonna be great.

It's the most, wonderful time of the year...

...or well, almost at least.

Only here in lovely Arizona? It's 90* out. Which means that right now, I'm sitting in my cold office wearing corduroy pants, a tank top, and a sweater. I'll remove the sweater and sweat all the way to school, and then in law school put it back on while I freeze. It's insane for it to be this warm in November, but welcome to Phoenix I guess. 

Spending all weekend in the library. 


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clean clothes and letting go

I'm excited today, because I ordered some clothes online, and therefore I can put off laundry for another day. Not that that means that I'm going to actually stop living out of my dryer and put clothes away, no no. Laundry means that when I get home, I stay awake long enough to move clothes from the washer to the dryer. And that, my friends, is unrealistic. 

I'm excited though, I'm getting a haircut on Saturday. Know why this is exciting? My bangs are so long that they hang down past my eyes. That's not fun. 

Other than that, I'm looking at 2 papers in Crim Law, a presentation when I'm making the entire power point by myself, an open memo with lots of research that I don't know how to do, and a Contracts professor that finally learned how to pronounce my name. Plus there are a plethora of personal issues that I just don't know what the hell to do about. 

Something's gotta give, and it's not gonna be law school, not for awhile anyway.