After a long semester with no updates, I am officially a 2l! This semester was one of the roughest, to be honest. Not only did I work full time, but I took a 12 credit course load, which left me with hardly any life to be spoken of. Next semester I'm only signed up for 9 credit hours, thank goodness.
Fortunately, this semester will also be the end of my required first year courses, and I can start to get into some electives and fun stuff. I'll still have to take classes like Professional Responsibility, but hopefully I can get some more interesting topics in, too. I'm ready to be done with Torts and Property, more than I can even tell you.
I hope everyone else out there is having a great break. I don't go back until January 30th, so I'm enjoying the last little bit of it.
I'll update soon (I promise!)!