This post will probably be a little less law school and a little more 'me'.
I'm a 3L now, in two fairly easy classes and one independent study, just kind of slogging along through school, ready to get into bar prep and get out of here. Classes are boring, and feel like giant wastes of time (here's lookin at you Bar Strategies), but I'm here.
The best news is that Saturday is the BIG DAY and I'm getting married (eeeee!). All of Frank's family is coming into town tomorrow am and I'm really excited to get this thing off the ground. And then? A blissful, peaceful, relaxing week in Kauai, Hawaii. I can not freaking wait to be there with him. And I can not wait for my last name to be Schreiber. And be his wife. He's good, really good. And our life together is beyond amazing and continually blows my mind.
It's like leaving law school on a really good, really happy note. Then again, talk to me during bar prep and we'll see how I feel then. :)
Until next time.