Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clean clothes and letting go

I'm excited today, because I ordered some clothes online, and therefore I can put off laundry for another day. Not that that means that I'm going to actually stop living out of my dryer and put clothes away, no no. Laundry means that when I get home, I stay awake long enough to move clothes from the washer to the dryer. And that, my friends, is unrealistic. 

I'm excited though, I'm getting a haircut on Saturday. Know why this is exciting? My bangs are so long that they hang down past my eyes. That's not fun. 

Other than that, I'm looking at 2 papers in Crim Law, a presentation when I'm making the entire power point by myself, an open memo with lots of research that I don't know how to do, and a Contracts professor that finally learned how to pronounce my name. Plus there are a plethora of personal issues that I just don't know what the hell to do about. 

Something's gotta give, and it's not gonna be law school, not for awhile anyway. 

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