Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Challenging Success

Tonight was the 'How to be Successful in Law School' event. There's some great professors at school, and it seems as if they're all really invested in our success. I'm glad to see this and have spent some time asking questions and talking to them. I think the one thing I've done that they all said was to calendar your time. Now, I'm not going to calendar in going to the grocery store or doing laundry, but I have budgeted in over half of my study time during the week, and then am giving myself either Sat or Sun partly off.

Tonight, hearing about the crazy study time was scary, but hearing from everyone also made me feel optimistic. Unfortunately, real life got in the way afterwards, and I'm in a pretty shitty mood, but that's what happens I guess. It'll get resolved eventually.

Looking forward to working tomorrow a (hopefully) easy day and then the gym, and packing for this weekend. Can't wait for my last vacation to see all my family and eat some Basque food and drink some great beer with great people!

The reading list posts Monday. They said not to start our reading until the week before school. I'm thinking I might try and brief the cases next week, and just make sure I go back and re-read again. I was hoping to get some syllabus' at some point to stay a week ahead like is recommended, but I'll just have to settle for cramming the first few weeks and doing my best to get ahead.

I feel like I have a great support system at the school at least, so that's a great thing. Time to try and forget about the shitty part of my evening and relax. Til next time.


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