Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ethically bitchy

Sometimes things aren't always what they seem. What to do when someone you really care about is doing the wrong thing ethically? And I know that I'm being sort of bitchy, but I really can't stand huge breaches of ethics like this. And usually I could just move past it and drop that person, but in this situation, its not that easy. But it seems to be even harder to hang around lately.

There' much going on. And none of it that I'm really wanting to make public.

In other news: group projects in law school are no fun. Mostly because everyone in my section works (that's why were part time evening students), so we can't meet up during the day, and after class we're too tired. But on the weekends it usually works. Until someone's sick, or their brother is in town, or whatever. I'm really hating group work more and more everyday, but that's what I'm stuck with for now.

Thank god there's only a paper and a presentation, and then I can just study with my friends, and not be responsible for turning work in with people. :)

Next week is the last week of classes this semester. How the hell did an entire semester already go by?!?!?!

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