Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I swear I'm gonna stick to this one!

So, in my spare time (read: in class), I read all the awesome law blawgs that I have linked here. And it turns out that a couple of them are doing this 10 Days of you Challenge. So, hello bandwagon, I'm going to hop you. If nothing else, just to prove that I can in fact do something that I say I'll do (see: Reverb challenge). So, here's a lovely graphic describing what it is I'm supposed to be doing, and here is my first post! :)

Ten secrets. Well, I'm not actually going to put ten things on the good ole' world wide web that no one knows about me (scandalous!), but instead I'll put 10 things that I bet no one that reads this knows:

10. I was a freak about naming my cat. My adorable kitty, gotta love her. See, when I first got her, I had no idea what to name her, but the adoption place needed me to put a name down. Since she has half an orange face and half a black face, we decided to name her 'Frenchie' after the beauty school dropout in Grease. Let me tell you something, I hated that sucktastic name with everything I am. What's even worse? We bought her a little kitty nametag that read: Francine. Hello Lame-o. So, I renamed her Kitty. And then finally Bella, which is what I wanted to name her before all this Twilight craziness came out and everyone had to name their animals Edward and Bella. 

9. Venti Skinny Caramel Macchiato's will get you everywhere with me. I love them, they are awesome, and if you bring me one, there is close to nothing that I won't do for you. However, most people around these parts haven't figured that out yet. 

8. I'm an obsessive organizer about law school because I'm paranoid that one day I'm going to boot up my laptop and everything will be gone, or I will have forgotten how to use my fancy macbook. 

7. My biggest pet peeve in the world is late people. I am always early for a reason - it's respectful. I've always been told that being early means being on time and being on time means being late. So, alas I am always 10 minutes early to every appointment I have. And if I'm running late, I always, always, always call. I am so super annoyed when people don't show me the same courtesy. This leads nicely to the next one.....

6. My expectations of everyone are far too high. I feel like I know that I surround myself with good people, so my expectations of them are somewhere in the vicinity of very, very high. And when I'm let down by people I'm really really bummed. Something I'm working on. 

5. Second semester, and I'm still terrified of speaking up in class. Yep, I wasn't really forced to first semester, and I feel like I'm still stuck in that terrified spot. But, be proud, I volunteered on a hard question and got the answer right last night in CivPro.  I'm working on it. 

4. I love people watching. I think people are endlessly fascinating. And some are just a tad silly. And I adore watching them and taking it all in. 

3. I'm not religious at all now, but when I was 16, I joined a Southern Baptist Church, and spent a year as a youth group leader, preaching to all sorts of people. It was an interesting experience, and one that I grew out of at this point in my life. 

2. I once dated a cowboy that, under his hat, looked like Dr. Phil. 

1.  I sort of love law school. I know, I know. It's not something that's really talked about. But I met a lot of awesome people here, and I read about a lot of fascinating stuff. Sometimes it feels like there are about 10,000 pages of reading  and 18 different things to get done in half an hour, but all in all, I really love this experience so far, and I can see the value in it. 

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